Prayer petition page  (Page 3)
(Petitions for St. Philomena and for St. Joseph)

Send me your prayer petitions for St. Philomena and for St. Joseph. Only use first names in the petitions. All petitions will be checked before they are published. Send the petitions to the following email address:

When you visit this page please say a prayer for the intentions listed.

Sometimes I am overwhelmed with jobs and might be slow to add some of the petitions to the page.  They are being prayed for just the same.

A special note in relation to prayer petitions about autism.  Sometimes I receive prayer petitions for children who are suffering from autism.  We also have a special St Philomena novena for the healing of children and adults who are suffering from autism and to pray for help for their parents, carers, and the health and teaching professional who work with them.  If the name of the child is sent to me for the prayer petition page I will also add the child's name to the St Philomena Novena page for the healing of autism.  The page if you are interested is at:   St Philomena Novena for autism.

Please pray that my husband and I receive a financial blessing and that I may conceive children.

I ask the intercession of St Philomena that I can find a good paying job that I also like, so that I can buy a property that is for sale that we really like and want to buy soon before someone else does.

Please pray that I may soon find a job/career that matches my skills & abilities in spite of my disabilities, that the new job will provide me with an increased standard of living - Thanks for your prayers, I'll keep you in my prayers. Greg.

please let Katie get good news from the doctors.

please let my daughter move close to me instead of where she is looking.

Dear Jesus, Please answer my prayers for Katie and Andy.  I pray this in your name.  Amen.

Dear Jesus, Mary, St. Anthony, St. Jude,  Please answer my prayer petition involving my daughter.  I ask everyone prayers in regards to this.  Thank you very much. I will be ever grateful.M

Please pray for my daughter that she changes her mind about A.  She is having second thoughts.  Please pray that her feelings change.  I pray for this with all my heart. 

Dear God, Please send me a sign that A and K should be together.

I pray that K changes her feelings towards A.  In my heart I know they are right for each other.  If this is not to be, however, please watch over K and keep her in the palm of your hands.  I know that you hear my prayers, but maybe this is not what is good for K.  I trust in you Dear Lord.  Please give me a sign.  I know you will do what is right.  I love You Dear Lord

Dear God, Please let K and A remain friends.  K tried to change her feelings towards him but still sees him just as a friend.  Maybe as time goes by they might become boyfriend and girlfriend. Please don't let him get too upset. She tried but cannot change the way she feels right now.  Please let her put a past relationship to rest and move on.  Maybe then she will feel more towards A.  I feel so bad because he is such a nice person and would be perfect for K.  She truly does like him and he is her best friend but she cannot date him, right now.  Hopefully in the future. Please hear my prayer and let him not be hurt and have him try to understand how she feels right now.  Please do not let him end their friendship.  Thank you and I pray that you hear my prayer and answer me.  I have prayed for K and A to become a couple but you must have something else in mind for both of them.  Thank you for listening.

Please pray for Sally that she will be healed of OCD and that she can meet someone special who will understand her and be a life partner (husband) for her. 

Help me pray for the smooth closing of the transaction I am currently working on. I am selling a property in Nevada, and my partners and I have encountered a lot of setbacks since we started with this project.  Now that the sales is almost in the final stage, I pray that my clients will have an open mind and finally decide to close escrow.

I also pray that we may be able fix Annalyn's status before July 3rd so she can stay with us for a few more years so she may be able to support her family back in her hometown.

Mary St Joseph bless Richard in his work and help him to meet the right girl for him.

Please let my daughter met someone she always goes out, so tonight let her meet a good man, also let my blood test from the doctor be good.

Dear Jesus, I pray that A stays friends with K and A and please don't let him be bitter and to never give up hope for K.  If it is your will for them to be together, then Your will be done.


Please pray for Maureen to find a mate, for Jim and for my stomach.

Please St. Philomena and St Joseph pray for my son lambert to get enough grades and points to go to secondary one express class next year and for my son Anselm to go to secondary four express class next year. Thank you for your prayers

Pray for my daughter who wants to be fit to receive her hall ticket for the entrance exam. Help her to qualify in the exams. Thank you St. Philomena

Please pray that we may be eased with financial help for the broken car and for teeth that need to be removed. Please pray for Megan, Tom, Amanda, Agnes, Don and all the souls in purgatory.  God Bless.

Please let my cousin not have to have surgery on his knee, also for Maureen that she meets someone.

I pray for my health and also that my son will return to church.

Please pray that I may get to go to Australia in the year 2008 and that I will not be choose to join the national service on the same year. Pray also for my Vocation as a priest, and for financial aid for my family especially, my brother Rodney and father Richard, and also that they may be granted good business. Thanks

Please oh Dear St. Philomena and St. Joseph intercede for me that X may ask for my email address through his sister F.

Please help my husband and myself sell our home. We need to sell this house within the next 6 to 8 weeks. Thank you so very much for praying for us.

Pray for me and Tiziana, to come back together. Fabio.

Please pray that I get the job in Muscat, Oman. I need and want it badly. Thank you so much.

Please Pray that Our Lord sends Me my Soul mate soon.

Please pray for my financial needs and short comings, also, please pray that I may get a financial blessing to rebuild my home in New Orleans. JF

I pray to St.Philomena and St Joseph that I can a Grade C in my GCSE maths.

Help me pray for the smooth closing of the transaction I am currently working on. I am selling a property in Nevada, and my partners and I have encountered a lot of setbacks since we started with this project.  Now that the sales is almost in the final stage, I pray that my clients will have an open mind and finally decide to close escrow.

I also pray that we may be able fix Annalyn's status before July 3rd so she can stay with us for a few more years so she may be able to support her family back in her hometown.

Please intercede for my prayer petition St. Philomena, to find financial stability and to continue to bring all men closer to Jesus.

Please pray for the healing from autism of my son Jacob Francis, born 1996.

Please pray for me to find a good husband to be, who has pleasant qualities. Please include in your prayers my sister Cecile Ann and her hubby Jay and my brother Aniano and my mom Nona, that we will always be blessed with good health, peace, and success. Thank you. God bless.

Dear St. Philomena and St. Joseph, please lead me to someone today to help me return to the university and the newspaper this fall. I promise to spread devotion to you when my prayer is answered.

Pray for the healing and saving of our marriage.

Beloved St Philomena, I experienced an ectopic pregnancy over a year ago and have not been able to conceive since. Please can you send one of your brightest, happiest and healthiest souls to become our baby son or daughter as soon a possible. May this child be born healthy and strong and may my pregnancy and childbirth be complication free. Thank you so much. Melanie.

Thank you holy spirit, Jesus, mama Mary and to all the saints for your guidance, and for giving us the strength to face all challenges in our lives. St. Joseph and St. Philomena, please pray for me and my husband to be able to overcome our financial troubles. My husband was out of job, he's been sending applications for a long time. Yesterday, for the first time, he was called and went for an interview this morning. Please obtain this job for him. We need your intercession. We are behind with all our bills. Our mortgage is already at the collection agency. There is not even enough money for my gasoline to go to work. please pray for us that we will be able to survive this crisis. please pray and grant our petitions, and the other petitions in this site, Thank you.

Please help me to get a better paying, safer job where I will be near my family. Dear St. Philomena, grant my request. I have yet to experience your generosity. Please hear my plea. Open the door of opportunity to me. Amen.

Please pray that Jay gets away from the bad influences in his life and realizes his mistakes.  Pray that he returns to the faith, his morals and to us who love him.

Please pray that if it is God's will I will be granted the grace of a happy marriage very soon. Please pray that Jesus will grant me the grace of true and lasting friendships. Please pray that my cousin will find peace and happiness in life. Please pray for my brother-in-law who is an alcoholic. Please pray that my other brother-in-law will change his mind and welcome children into his life.  Please pray for my aunt who suffers from arthritis. Pleas pray for my grandmother who is ninety-five years old, Please pray for the soul of my parish priest who died from cancer. For the intentions of all family and friends

Please pray for a one month old baby Josephine she was born with liver problems, also Mandy may she heal from her wounds, for my sister & her family may they have a safe trip, for us to move back & for myself to get the job I applied for in LA county before the next school year begins, and also guidance in my marriage.

Please pray for God to help me become editor in chief of B and return to school at the university in Fall 2006. I promise, St. Philomena, to become an altar server at the chapel at school.  



Please pray for God to restore me to school at the university and to work at the newspaper.

Please pray for my son that he find a better job and finish school, and also please pray for my daughter that she will do well and find some good friends. Pray for my husband that he stop drinking so much that so we can live a better life.  Pray for my brother that he find a job after getting out of the army. Please pray for an improvement in my financial situation and that I will get my social security check so that I can pay my bills. Pray for the healing of the pain I keep having in my outer right thigh and pray for me that I will find a good friend to talk too.

Please pray with me that he doesn't leave.  Open his heart to Jesus.

Thank you for all my blessings. I pray that my parents house will sell very soon for the asking price. I also pray for many financial blessings and I also pray that my mom and I, will find good paying jobs. I pray that my child will do well in school this year. I pray that my dad will find peace within himself.

St.Philomena today I come to you. I ask you with all my heart for a financial blessing to purchase a home. THANK YOU IN JESUS NAME AMEN.

Please pray that if it is God's will I will be granted the grace of a happy marriage very soon. Please pray that Jesus will grant me the grace of true and lasting friendships. Please pray that my cousin will find peace and happiness in life. Please pray for my brother-in-law who is an alcoholic. Please pray that my other brother-in-law will change his mind and welcome children into his life.  Please pray for my aunt who suffers from arthritis. Pleas pray for my grandmother who is ninety-five years old, Please pray for the soul of my parish priest who died from cancer. For the intentions of all family and friends

Please pray that he doesn't leave.  That his heart is open to Jesus.
please pray for my husband to get this job today, also for my daughter to met someone, for my brother to visit my sister at the shore.

I ask through intercession of St Philomena for my aunt Joan to be healed of paralysis on right side from  a severe stroke she had yesterday, also for her speech to be healed and have no permanent damage and full recovery.  Also for congestion in her chest to be healed and not go into pneumonia.  For her to be given peace and comfort. and no further strokes or complications.

please prayer for this shower to go well for my future niece, also my daughter to meet someone to marry. I also pray for my sister to like her hair, I hope she will tell that she does.

please pray for my life to become less  stressful.

Please pray  for me to get my working Visa to work in Canada as caregiver, to support my whole family to give them what they need, For long life to my Parents, good health too, for a Happy marriage for my sisters and for brother and for good values to their children. Please also Prayer our brothers and sisters in Lebanon and Israel to stop the war.

Please pray for N. and J. for a recociliation


Please pray for T. F. and family and all the bar examinees in the Philippines. Thank you. God bless

Dear St. Philomena and St. Joseph, please lead me to someone today to help me return to the university and the newspaper this fall. I promise to spread devotion to you when my prayer is answered.

Please pray that I find a good husband soon.  Someone I can love and someone who can love me as well.   I've had a miserable time in the dating world either I like a guy and he doesn't care for me or he likes me and I don't care for him.   I'm not asking for the moon just someone I can feel comfortable with.

I have prayed and prayed and prayed for years for my son Michael to find his way, he is so lost within himself.  He has done nothing wrong; he struggled thru college and graduated but has been looking for a job that can use his degree. He has worked another job that is not pertaining to his career to get by, he will get interviews and good promises only to be let down by not hearing from them.  He is so depressed that I worry for his health and I will continue to pray but I need help BIG HELP, I beg the Lord and his mother to help him find a job soon.  I am beginning to feel lost, helpless, but I am one not to give up but I feel now he needs a miracle, they want you to have degree and then when you have a degree they want experience.  He can’t get experience if someone does not let him in to prove himself.  I have been praying for six weeks on an interview with a man named Mr. S. that seems like a great job.  Mr. S. sounded very encouraging and said he would get back by today with a yes or no.  Please I beg with every drop of blood and every breaths I take he will give Michael an answer and if it is no to please Lord let someone give him a chance.  Worried Mom

I pray for the intercession of St Joseph and St Philomena to help me find a soul mate if it is God’s will.

Please pray for Sister Lorraine to be healed of ovarian cancer and that the surgery can remove all of the cancer.
Pray for Dan to be healed of cancer and that the tumour hasn't spread.

Please help Frannie through this terrible time.  Give her the strength to overcome this illness.  She is too young and has so much more to do.  I pray for her and her family.  Thank you Dear Lord.  Amen.

Please let M. have thanksgiving for all her in-laws. If she doesn’t it will hurt a lot of people.

Please pray for the following intentions: a better financial situation for myself and my family, that my children be better Catholics, that I stop smoking/lose weight

Please let all our family be together at Christmas.

Please let my husband get a job, also let Maureen get engaged.

Please pray for the special intentions of Ting Franco, Cecile Ann and Jay Fortunado, Aniano Ray and Nona Franco, Ramona Hortillas, Sharon Gay Terrania and Erlinda Guillaran. Thank you and God bless you always.

I pray that I, Christine, will be healed of my deafness.  I teach school and it has been so hard the last few years, all the while trying to get used to a set of hearing aids.  Also please pray for my daughter and her son, Braxton that they may have someone in their lives that will care and love them and also that her biopsy comes out ok.  Thank you....

Please pray for help with my finances. My Car is a 1990 model and is not working. I'm on a limited disability income, with no savings to help.  Please pray for peace in the family.

St Philomena before anything, I would like to express to everyone that you have truly touched my heart and that of my son.  I constantly have you in my thoughts for protection and for comfort in my life. I thank God for leading us to you.  Please continue to see my prayers that Roger can soon stop from playing hurtful games towards our relationship and to stop being unfaithful. I pray for reconciliation with him.  Please open up his heart and mind.  Danos una oportunidad para ambos poder hacer felices, minimo como buenos amigos.  Con todo mi corazon, mi Santita, te quiero. Elizabeth

I pray for my marriage to S. to be restored and for S. to come home to his family soon.

I ask for prayers for the wedding of my nephew, and also for  daughter Maureen and her friend frank.

Please pray for the healing of T and our marriage.  Open his heart to Jesus and let him be blessed with compassion, forgiveness and kindness.

Favours Received
My prayers were granted this weekend. The wedding went so good. Thank you St. Joe and St. Philomena.

Thank you for letting my husband find a great job.

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