Prayers to St. Anthony

For the Recovery of Lost Objects.
O blessed St. Anthony! the grace of God has made thee a powerful advocate in all necessities and the patron for the restoration of things lost or stolen; to thee I turn to-day with childlike love and heartfelt confidence. Oh, how many thousands hast thou miraculously aided in the recovery of lost goods! Thou has been the counsellor of the erring, the healer of the sick, the raiser of the dead, the deliverer of the captive, the comforter of the afflicted: to thee do I hasten, O blessed St. Anthony!
Help me in my present affliction. I recommend what I have lost to thy care, in the secure hope that thou wilt restore it to me, if it be to the greater glory of God and to the benefit of my soul. Obtain also for me an active faith, peace of mind, disgust for the vain pleasures of the world, and an ardent desire for the imperishable goods of eternity. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory, and Responsory.

For Holy Purity.
O purest St. Anthony, who through thy angelic virtue wast made worthy to be caressed by Jesus, to hold Him in thy arms and press Him to thy heart, I entreat thee to cast a benevolent glance upon me, a poor sinner. By the mere touch of thy garment thous hast communicated to others that most precious of all gifts, holy purity. Oh, deliver me by thy powerful intercession from all thoughts and actions against this virtue, that I may become pleasing in the eyes of Jesus and His Immaculate Mother.

Pray for me that my heart and soul may remain pure and undefiled until death and that I may rather die than offend God by Mortal sin. Amen.

For the choice of a State of Life.
O Glorious St. Anthony, thou faithful follower of the Poverello of Assisi, who didst so faithfully live and die in the Rule of Life that God in His goodness showed to you, assist me by thy powerful intercession that I may know the path in life He has planned for me, and that I may receive the grace and courage to follow His holy inspirations. Pray that I may fulfil the will of God in all things so that I may love Him with thee for all eternity. Amen.
A Student's Prayer
O glorious St. Anthony, divinely endowed with the learning of the saints, I desire to place my studies under thy protection. Guided by thy example, I wish to draw all my knowledge from the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. With thy assistance, I will study in a spirit of penance and with a pure intention. May the Father of Light grant me, through thy intercession, a clear intellect, sound judgement and retentive memory. Help me to study perseveringly in order that I may develop the gifts with which God has endowed me, and use them according to His divine will. O dear St. Anthony, aid me to succeed in my studies and examinations, if it be for the greater glory of God and the benefit of my soul. Amen.

For the Propagation of the Faith
St. Anthony, great promoter of the glory of God and His holy Faith, who didst labour so unceasingly to bring unbelievers and heretics to the light of the true faith, offer our prayers to God with thine, that we may never lose the gift of faith, and that all infidels, heretics and sinners may be converted, and obtain the grace to enter the one fold under the one Shepherd. Enlighten the darkness of their understanding and soften the hardness of their hearts. Help them to accept the truth and resolutely persevere therein, that the number of the just may be increased, and God's name unceasingly praised in heaven and on earth. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
 Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory.

In Time of Sickness
St. Anthony, physician of soul and body, consolation of the sick who ask thy prayers, turn thy compassionate eyes upon me, thy foster child, who afflicted with painful infirmities, sends up sighs and prayers for relief from these sufferings, and for comfort for all in sickness. O great friend of God through thy rich merits and thy powerful mediation with Him, the sick are not only made sound and whole, but many are saved from death. Therefore, I earnestly beg thee to have mercy upon me, and bear my sighs and petitions to the throne of God, that He may free me from my infirmities.

O compassionate Jesus, Man of Sorrows, Who didst deign to endure our weakness and sufferings, hear me, and have mercy on my weakness. Heal my soul, for I have sinned before Thee; heal my body also, that, restored to health through the merits of St. Anthony, I may give thanks to Thee.   Amen.

For Our Sick Relatives and Friends
O glorious St. Anthony, perfect model of patience and meekness, who has joyfully taken upon thyself so many unmerited contempts and troubles, obtain for me, from the Divine Heart of Jesus, the grace henceforward to embrace with love the Cross of Christ, and patiently to bear all adversities of life. Pray also for these sick persons ... (mention the names) ... that they may by thy powerful intercession be cured of their illness. Amen.

For a Happy death
O glorious St. Anthony invincible conqueror of death, who didst restore so many to life, protect me from a sudden and unprovided death and my soul from mortal sin, in order that I may always love God and remain in His holy grace. Amen.

For Our Beloved Dead
Have compassion, dear St. Anthony, upon the faithful departed, particularly on the souls of my deceased parents, relatives, friends, and benefactors, who may be detained in the flames of Purgatory. Pray for them that they may be speedily admitted to the blissful vision of God.  Amen.

For Spiritual Needs  
of Relatives and Friends
O St. Anthony, thou didst teach unbelievers the way of truth, and didst restore the erring by penance to God. Obtain for me and all in the Church militant invincible firmness in the faith; hasten to the assistance of those who, by unbelief, have turned from Christ, the one true Way. Enlighten the darkness of their understanding, soften the hardness of their will, that they may return to the bosom of the true Church and be wrested from the grasp of Satan. Through Christ Our Lord.   Amen.

For the Gift of Offspring
We salute and honour thee, O powerful helper, St. Anthony! The Christian world confidently turns to thee and experiences thy tender compassion and powerful assistance in so many necessities and sufferings, that we are encouraged in our need to seek thee also United in the bonds of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, we ask thee to obtain God's blessing in our union so that we may rejoice in the gift of children and bring them up in the fear and love of His holy name. We shall consecrate our little ones to thee, St. Anthony, and place them under thy protection, that thou mayest lead them along the paths of virtue to heaven.  Amen.

Remember, O thou miracale-working Saint, that it never was heard that thou hast left without help or relief anyone who in his need had recourse to thee. Animated with the most lively confidence, nay, even with full conviction of not being refused, I fly for refuge to thee, O most favoured and blessed friend of the Infant Jesus! O eloquent preacher of the Divine mercies, despise not my supplications, but, bringing them before the Throne of God, strengthen them by thine intercession, and obtain for me what I ask - help and consolation in my need, O most glorious miracle-working  St. Anthony. Amen.

Aspirations to St. Anthony
V. St. Anthony, whom the Infant Jesus so much loved and honoured,
R. Grant us what we ask of thee.
V. St. Anthony, powerful in word
and work,
R. Grant us what we ask of thee.
V. St Anthony, attentive to those who invoke thee,
R. Grant us what we ask of thee.   Amen.

A Prayer of Thanksgiving
O kind St. Anthony, I thank thee with all my heart for the great favour thou hast shown me, in granting my petition, which thou didst obtain through the mercy of God! Despise not the small thank-offering which I make thee in my poverty. Take all my future needs of body and soul under thy care and let my love for thee daily increase. A thousand thanks to Thee, Lord of heaven and earth, worthy of all praise, that, for the sake of the intercession and merits of Thy faithful servant, Anthony, Thou didst grant me grace and mercy! My soul blesses Thee for the proofs of Thy paternal kindness and, with St. Anthony, I praise and thank Thee now and forever.  Amen.

A Note on Praying to St. Anthony
When you ask St. Anthony to help you, always remember the following points:-
(i) Have a great confidence in the power of the saint and his readiness to help you.
(ii) Persevere in your prayers if your petition is not granted immediately.
(iii) Make yourself more worthy of being helped by endeavouring to serve God as perfectly as you can
(iv) Do not lose confidence in St. Anthony if a particular request is not granted.Your request will be granted only if it is for the greater glory of God and not opposed to your spiritual welfare.
(v) Do not forget to show your gratitude for favours received, especially by increasing your devotion to St. Anthony and fostering that devotion in the lives of others.

Dear St. Anthony, glorious servant and blessed friend of God! I salute thee in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Whom, in the form of a sweet little child, thou hadst the privilege of holding in thy arms. I rejoice in thy joy; I glory in thy honour; I offer thee my heartfelt congratulations upon the unspeakable bliss of heaven which is now thy reward, and I thank God with all my heart for the graces and privileges with which He has distinguished thee above so many other saints.

O St. Anthony, I consecrate myself to thee. I choose thee to be my patron, my advocate, my powerful intercessor at the court of Heaven, and I am resolved to honour thee always. I beseech thee, therefore, receive me as thy client, protect me, defend me, help me in all the necessities of life, and assist me in the hour of my death, that my soul may be saved, and that with thee I may glorify God forever.  Amen.

The Lord bless thee and keep thee.
The Lord show His face to thee and have mercy on thee.
The Lord turn His countenance to thee and give thee peace.
The Lord bless thee.
(Blessing of St. Anthony.)

History of St. Anthony
Customs in honour of St. Anthony
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