November 25, 2011.
Dear readers,
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Second International 54 Day Rosary Novena for the healing of autism, which concluded on November 23. Autism is a very trying business which taxes every member of the family heavily and repeatedly year after year. I know that this is not easy, but do not give up praying for healing and help. Try to replace panic over the great difficulties that autism presents, with faith, which is renewed with determination each day.
As Sister Briege the famous Irish nun says: “Miracles do happen.” God chooses who He heals, how He heals and when He heals.There was a program on EWTN about the Divine Mercy devotion, which featured a talk by a lady named Maureen, This lady was the recipient of a wonderful miracle connected with St. Faustina, (the apostle and secretary of Divine Mercy.) She said that the question on her mind, and the minds of others is; why was she was chosen to be healed? She then pointed out that her 11 year old son had terminal cancer. As a mother, I suspect that she wanted to change places with her son and have him healed instead.
My oldest daughter Brenda was born with severe autism. The most wonderful healing has taken place through the prayers of many people, including myself for her. The Sydney Morning Herald came to our house just prior to the canonization of St. Mary of the Cross MacKillop in 2010 and wrote an article about Brenda’s healing. They also took a picture of myself and Brenda for the article. The article is published online, but the picture was only published in the Sunday newspaper.
If you are interested in reading the article it is located here:
Brenda was also prayed for by a special group. The story is here:
Healing of autism
In the 1980's an outdoor shrine of Mary Help of Christians was built and blessed in Sydney. Our daughter was three years of age at the time. She had severe autism and could not talk. The man who was in charge of the shrine was a friend of our family. He told us that he had a plan to hold regular gatherings at the shrine, where people would pray for specially chosen intentions such as a person with cancer. He selected our daughter as the first person who would be prayed for. We willingly agreed. It was his hope that our daughter would receive a miraculous healing. On the appointed day, a group of people gathered at the shrine. A Jesuit priest brought our daughter up to the microphone, introduced her to the people and explained to them that she had autism. He asked them to join with him in saying the Rosary for her healing. At the end of the Rosary the priest asked the people to keep this intention in their prayers. There was no instant miracle that day, but in the following years our daughter made spectacular progress.
There are a number of other testimonies about help through prayer, in relation to the autism (of my children) in my book on answers to prayer, which you can read free of charge at these links: Part One
When I launched the 54 Day Rosary Novena, many people kept coming to me regarding the more long standing twice monthly Novena to St. Philomena the Wonder Worker for the healing of autism (that is supported in a practical way, by the head of the English Speaking chaplains at Lourdes, France.) I was able to let some of them know about the 54 day Rosary novena, but unfortunately it was impossible to answer all the emails because of the sheer load. This was not helped by the fact that I was given a risky emergency operation on November 2, the feast of All Souls. (The operation came out well.) That is why it is helpful if my emails about the novenas are forwarded to other families who are dealing with autism.
I would like to pass on some advice to those who are dealing with autism. If your family member who suffers from autism is having a behavioural meltdown, make sure that you and other family members are wearing a blessed Miraculous Medal around the neck, and slowly and confidently repeat the prayer: on the medal:"O Mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to thee", and ask Our Lady to calm down the person who is suffering from autism. Believe me this really works.
Greetings and prayers for all your intentions,
Mary Ann