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St Philomena The Wonder Worker Pages List 

St Therese, The Little Flower, St Rita and St Jude 

Articles on the Catholic Faith By Fr. John O'Neill

Marian Devotions, Sacramentals and Miracles

St Anthony The Wonder Worker    The Infant Jesus

Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi    St Lawrence Martyr

Favours granted by the Holy Souls in Purgatory  

Poetry Corner    A Favour granted by St. Joseph

Articles on Autism, General and Educational

The Kindergarten Scripture Lesson on Easter 

Help for people who are suffering from Panic attacks

Favours received through prayer    St. Anne 

Some Moral and  Ethical Issues Regarding IVF

Stained glass window showing St. Barbara and St. Catherine     
St. Appollonia the patron saint of toothache and the Lutheran Lady     
The life of St. Dymphna, Virgin, Martyr and Wonder Worker

The intercession of a guardian angel                                                
Efficacious Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus 

Favours granted through the intercession of Blessed Mary MacKillop

Photograph of (St. John Vianney Statue)    

Click here to enter the Catacomb of St. Priscilla chatroom        

Picture of St. George slaying the dragon      

A picture of a beautiful Australian beach

Household mangement tips

Family Photographs    

Anne Maree's Confirmation day

Links Page 


Australian Catholic Homeschooling Families




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Novena to St. Philomena 
for the healing of children and adults 
who have autism and autism related 
conditions (such as Asperger's Syndrome)

Please go to the  webpage  for more information. 
Everyone is invited to submit names: Grandparents, 
aunties, neighbours, teachers, doctors, cousins, etc.

This is a group novena that we hope that many 
people will join, to pray for healing for children 
and adults who have autism, and also to
pray for their parents, and the professionals, 
(teachers, doctors, carers, etc.) who work with 

All the people who are enrolled in this novena, will
be prayed for by a priest of Lourdes, France at the 

*Please only send first names.

The 15th International 54 day Rosary Novena 
for the healing of autism
(October 1 – November 23, 2024)

  Favours received through the use of the St  Benedict Medal

    A Total Eclipse of the moon on the night of Tuesday 
    28th of August, 2007 as seen from Sydney,  Australia

     Misionbell (organisation) information book

      Part one of the book:  Help from heaven (Answers to prayer)

      Part two of the book: Help from heaven (Answers to prayer)

       Part three of the book: Help from heaven (Answers to prayer)

      Part four of the book: Help from Heaven (Answers to Prayer)

                          Poems on autism by Thomas Andry
Prayer campaign for those who suffer from cancer

Holy Infant Jesus of Prague bless and protect us.

Pictures of my backyard Lourdes Shrine